Meet Realtor

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Greg Nelson


License # 128174

Meet Greg

Greg is the Founder and Principal of Seasound - a dynamic team within Compass Real Estate, making them the go-to experts for buyers, sellers, and investors alike. Greg prides himself on providing unparalleled personalized service and exceeding clients’ expectations. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing, Greg is here to guide you every step of the way, making your real estate journey a resounding success.

Professionally speaking, his career in real estate began in 2009 when he started working for a large management consulting firm specializing in real estate. His time there solidified his desire to make real estate his chosen profession, which ultimately led him to become the Founder of Seasound.

On a personal side, he's a Pacific Northwest native with a degree in Finance and Economics. After over a decade of living in Seattle, his family and him now live on the Eastside. Although he still has a residence in Seattle, and he's ultimately chosen Fremont as the home of Seasound’s offices because of its location, culture, friendliness, and the variety of beautiful architecture and landscapes you’ll find there.

He's been successful in the real estate profession, but his biggest accomplishment is being the father of two beautiful daughters that he loves enjoying the outdoors with and spending time together traveling.

If there’s anything else you’d like to know about him, don’t hesitate to ask. He'd like to get to know you, discover what your real estate goals are, and help you accomplish them. He looks forward to meeting you.